感化2 DVD中字

欢迎来到感化2DVD中字的云播xm播放页面,1996年恐怖片《感化2》是一部美国的影视作品,导演是布赖恩 J. 史密斯,,演员有Jodie Fisher,丹尼尔·安德森。

心理治疗师托马斯本森博士因他过去的悲剧性错误而闹鬼。他的一位女性患者被他的妻子强奸并遭到凶残的精神病丈夫的谋杀,在遭受社会尴尬之后,本森尽管在当时与他们同住在他们的家中,但并未能阻止他。本森有吸引力的新患者Leza Watkins患上精神性噩梦,让他想起那个女孩,这又一次触发了他的内疚感。当他试图把她送到另一位医生时,Leza引诱了他。由于Leza嫁给了一位年长的富翁,Benson质疑他们的婚外情是否是一个好主意,但是Leza说服他说她的婚姻是不愉快的,所以他们继续,并且很快发现了Leza隐藏的狂野一面。本森的哥哥里克,一个笨拙的,如果不道德的私人调查人员,主要处理配偶不忠的案件,他警告托马斯说利萨有什么事情要做,但托姆拒绝相信他。担心瑞克决定向他证明...

体热性边缘2》:Psychotherapist Dr. Thomas Benson is haunted by a tragic mistake from his past. One of his female patients, whom he fancied, was raped and murdered by her violent psychopathic husband, after socially awkward Benson spectacularly failed to prevent it despite being in their house with them at the time. Benson"s attractive new patient, Leza Watkins, who"s suffering from psycho-sexual nightmares, reminds him of the girl, which triggers his feelings of guilt all over again. When he tries to send her to another doctor, Leza seduces him. Since Leza is married to an older rich man, Benson questions whether their affair is a good idea, but Leza convinces him that her marriage is an unhappy one, so they continue, and he soon discovers Leza"s hidden wild side. Benson"s older brother Rick, an hunky if unethical private investigator who mostly deals with cases of spousal infidelity, warns Thomas that something is off with Leza, but Thom refuses to believe him. Worried Rick decides to prove to his ...

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